Thursday, March 19, 2009


What happens when you mix Professor Dubin with a conversation on Race and Television?
answer: Uh, I don't exactly have a funny punch line here, but I can tell you that you're in for an interesting night.
This month, Tim McNeal, VP of talent development and diversity for the Disney-ABC Television Group sat with Professor Dubin for a chat in front of a packed audience in the Herg Auditorium.
It was interesting to hear that the character Ari Gold from Entourage was based off the talent agent that Tim worked for early in his career. So, we all assumed that Tim was based off Ari Gold's assistant in the show.
The audience members were encouraged to ask questions throughout the conversation and to my surprise, Tim's surprise, and Dubins's surprise, most all questions were very intuitive.
One statement by Tim on discussing diversity went something along the lines that he doesn't necessarily like the work 'diversity' because it has a negative connotation, rather he prefers the word 'choice'. I'll let you all ponder on that, while I still try to figure out exactly what he meant. In the meantime, GO ORANGE!

-Vin Nucatola
Coordinating Producer - OTN

1 comment:

Randy Furco said...

Check this out