Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Indie Flick Files February

The indie feature this month is kind of strange, but I think that the film's unusual storyline is exactly what keeps you watching.

Basically, four buddies are coming home from a ski trip and one of them needs to stop to go to the bathroom. When they pull over, they come across this giant rock formation that, as you can see from the picture, isn't something you see everyday.

The guys' inner child comes out because they literally spend the entire film trying to push it over. They are so stubborn on the idea that they do everything they can to push the rock over the side of the cliff that it's resting on. There are a lot of critics who argue that the rock symbolizes Iranian patriarchy that is impossible to topple over, but I guess the movie can be seen however you want.

Hope you enjoy it.

As promised, here is this month's gag reel.


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