Sunday, September 14, 2008

Woo Hoo Comedy

My name is Vin Nucatola. Wait, that sounded awkward for an opening sentence. Take 2-Vin Nucatola here and this past Saturday evening we taped the first Woo Hoo Comedy show of the 2008 Fall semester. I went straight to work right after the SU Penn State game so I smelled like nachos and greasy cheeseburgers. Teng Zhang was my crew. He's a graduate student from China and is quite an interesting fella'. Anyway, we taped Woo-Hoo with 2 cameras (traditionally we tape shows with our 3-cam Anycast Production system, but not this time). According to Woo-Hoos president the show wasn't the best. There were a few newbies up there so some of the jokes were funny and some, well, not so funny. Though, I give them a lot of credit to get up on that stage in front of a crowd of people and in front of 2 Panasonic DVX cameras. Like always, the show was a bit vulgar so this year we have to find a way out to edit the show. There is a difference between vulgarity that's actually funny and vulgarity alone it you know what I'm saying.
Besides that, we added something new to not only the WooHoo show, but to all the shows we are producing this year. I got interviews with all the comedians after the show so that in post we'll insert their interviews before each comic does his routine. That's all for now. Be sure to check out all the other OTN producer's blogs- maybe they have something more interesting to say than me. Take care and, uh, Watch Yourself? I'm out. 1

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